Sep 12, 2007

CL, EL, ML or PL?

We will explain those HR terms later. This week has been full of myterious disappearances from office. Our head ops Nitin aka Neo has shown us his clean pair of heels!

He had left office on Monday morning to pick up our er, fairly short long term Pulsar 220! Industry sources revealed that the bike was duly picked up. Infact last week there was a nasty brawl in office between him and our ed about how the ed was talking badly of Pulsars and praising Karizmas! Lucky we wear our helmets even while we are typing! Dare we say anymore in this public forum. :-D

Now knowing Nitin, if he has been riding that fuel injected beast for 3 days, he should be somewhere around Moscow.

Oh PL? Pulsar Leave!


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