May 12, 2008

Heck it has been long... really long!

Hello guys,
It has been 6 months now since we went quietly into the night. I owe all of you an explanation and apologies. Sure, that will come. But after I get the site and other things online. Should take me about 4 days from now to get Monoshock back to life. There were a lot of comments and mails. Some of them overwhelming. We will discuss all of them, this time, when its time.
By this weekend, Monoshock and its team will be at your service again.
- Rahul


Anonymous said...

Well its about darn time mate! :-) You're gonna live really long if you believe in luck, me and synner were just talking about ya!

Good to see you back, waiting...



ps - your tel numbers are offline too!

first_synn said...

Hey rahul,

Glad to know that all's well and monoshock is returning soon.

A thousand apologies for my disappearance. Between finishing up a research report, jobhunting and an apartment search, i didn't have much time for anything else.

A more detailed reply coming soon. Ride safe and get the party (re)started!

Anonymous said...

hi.. gud to see thins r moving again. the site is up, wow. now 4 some new content. drool! said...

@anon - Will be coming soon, thanks for staying with us
@max - sorry buddy, loads of things that had taken up priority by force
@synn - Good going, those kinda things are simply important. We will reorient soon.
All apologies to all again.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys. Nice to see you back.

niel said...

yeah yeah ,,,,,,, r we there yet....its been heela long winter

gr8 work bro 2 bring back the motomadness...

